Best Way To Store Your Cannabis
We can suppose you've ended up with old weed on your hands if you're the sort to buy weed in bulk or don't smoke very often. When you pinch the dried-up, light nugs, you can know something's wrong. You could be in need of a cigarette, but will that old stuff get you high? What would the flavour be like if it did? Regardless of the answers, you're probably asking how to keep your weed from becoming that way again. You can't stop the ageing process from happening, but you can certainly slow it down! Above all, make sure your weed stash is expertly cured, stored in ideal containers, and kept at the right temperature & humidity. Here are some amazing tips to keep your stash fresh for long term: Cure The Buds The best technique to store marijuana starts with the curing process and involves ensuring that the pot is kept in the finest possible condition. To begin, you'll need to select a cool, dark, and dry location. After that, separate the buds and remove ...